Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Catch-up- Dad

Update number 7, on the only one of us 7 left, of course, John! Seen here playing peek-a-boo with Mary Claire...

Peek-a-boo! She loves Daddy.

John, Mower of Lawns, Singer of Bedtime Songs, what can I update about him. Well, our biggest update right now is our biggest cross. John (a nurse) lost his job about over a month ago. Sheesh, I can't believe it's been that long already. And what I've learned from that is....

...I can be just as protective of my husband as my children. I have literally lain awake at stewing over the people that have unjustly treated my good and diligent John. But I've given it to God. Why, I hardly ever fantasize about driving my giant, giant van through the front door anymore.

So, if you could offer a prayer for a quick and good placement. We have left the place of, "Hell with them, you can find something better anyway" and reached the point of, "Ok, seriously, any nursing job, any at all?" Please pray something turns up before we reach the point of, "Would you like fries with that?"


Erin said...

Oh, I will pray that he finds a job soon!! I had no idea - I'm so sorry!

Lisa Boyle said...

Oh, Melanie, I am SO sorry. I had no idea. I will be praying.