Tuesday, March 27, 2007

a day in the life

I love these postings. I love to read them on other people's blogs and see a little window into how they work the day to day juggling act that is homeschooling, and I love to post them because I like to look back and see a detailed picture of what our life was like at that point in time. Someday, when my kids are grown, it will be very cool to read in detail about what it was like when they were 10, 7, and 2. However, these posts are lengthy to read and time consuming to write. Then there's the whole "picking the perfect day to write about" thing....do we pick a day that we are home all day "doing school", a day with an interesting field trip, a fun Sunday with family? They are all worth remembering. So, I decided to try and do these kinds of posts on the first day of each month. That will let me post about different days of the week, and the choice will be completely random thereby tempting fate to have say, every child get a stomach virus that day....which I'm sure will be riotously funny to read about in 20 years. "Remember that time all three of you were puking in the car on the way back from the doctor's office? haha! Good times!"

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