Right after birth, kinda purply and swollen.
Me and Tess.
Me and Tess, again.
Me, Tess, and John.
Maria and Tess. She and my mom were at the birth.
The midwives, weighing her in.
Meme and Tess.
Getting all cleaned up and dressed...by me! Not by a nursery nurse! I loved keeping my baby with me, the best part by far. Once I got her, no one took her away.
All dressed!
Kain and Tess, later that day.
I wanted to shampoo the ook out of her hair that afternoon...
Look at all that curly hair!
Three days old, wide awake.
Coming up tomorrow if I get a chance, her birth story, and hopefully a pic of Tess and Jack. He's handling the changes fine so far...until we got home he complete ignored her, heh. Once we were home, he finally acknowledged her presence, but not much else. Now he has kissed her on the head a couple of times and talks about her some. Just his way of dealing with things...anyway, I just haven't been motivated to take more pictures just yet. Organizing these has been my big project for the last couple of days.