Isn't he beautiful? No, really. See, here's a close-up....
In these pictures he is singing to his nativity scene. He does this several times a day right now, arranges his velcro Advent wreath, then lines up all the wooden nativity pieces just so, and then he sings,,,he doesn't know many songs yet, so he just sings "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy, Holy, Holy Jesus" over and over again until tears come to my eyes. This simple devoutness he possesses is a quality I've not seen in the other children, nor is this the first time he has shown it.
This child is the sweetest part of my day. I hope my others won't someday read that and feel slighted. I love the other two dearly, I'm really not playing favorites here. I'm just saying that somewhere in between Maria's pre-teen hormones and Kain's unending, unfulfilled needs, there's this little person, this unconditional love and total uncomplicated sweetness. That's not to say that preschoolers don't have their, ah, issues now and then. But he wakes up calling "GOOD MORNING, MOMMA" and beaming at me from his crib and climbs on my lap for sweet snuggly kisses at random moments during the day. He loves, loves, loves everyone in his world in that gentle way so like his father. Now that he is finally talking in actual sentences, he is constantly revealing how he sees the world and the thoughts in his head...and often leaves us amazed or laughing out loud. He still smells like a baby and has that soft fine baby hair. I can hold him tightly and it feels like he was just born yesterday. But no...he is a big 3 years old now and will soon be a big brother. I love you Jack.
Awww...yes, he IS beautiful!
What a nice letter you've got for him now. He is a cutie.
We think he'll be a priest...we jokingly call him "Father John" quite a, and I always say, "Someday when he's made Bishop, he'll say, 'I owe it all to my saintly mother.'"
I know exactly what you mean, Melanie.
He is precious.
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