Wednesday, April 30, 2008

it must be a guy thing....

Once I dated a guy that thought it was hysterically funny to try and teach my parrot cuss words. Now, John would never be quite so crass, but he does think it's quite amusing to teach Jack to say weird things, like...

--Bob Marley protest song lyrics, and

--lines from old Warner Brother cartoons, like "consequences, schmonsequences, so long as I'm rich", and

--lines from obscure British comedy shows I can't even repeat because I don't even know them well enough to remember them now,

--and now, Queen lyrics. I heard Jack tonight in the tub singing, "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS...."

This isn't just my husband either. My dad does the same thing. I don't even want to know where, "Orlando, Orlando, is there an Orlando here?" came from...


Terimisu said...

Orlando is from the movie ghost!!

Terimisu said...

I just re-read your post. You said you don't even want to know where Orlando came form. I THOUGHT you said you wondered where it came from.
Sorry to have told you.......