Wednesday, December 03, 2008

a gift

Wednesday is quesadilla day. But John and I decided to have leftover spaghetti and meatballs, so I gave the kids the rare option of picking their own lunch. They each picked a package of noodle soup,'s not a regular on our menu because I have deemed it to be "fake food", but I keep some a few on hand for emergency lunches.

Maria- Why did you cook our soup in the same pot?!!!

Me- Um...because it's easier this way.

Maria- But! But then you can't divide it perfectly equal and SOMEBODY will get more noodles than the other!

Me- Nope. I am a mom. I have the uncanny ability to serve perfectly equal portions of noodle soup. It's on the same gene that allows me to detect minute size differences in socks and underwear.

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