Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The rare political rant

It's not that I'm surprised that Obama won. I'm really not. It's not that I'm not just a little tickled at thinking about all the racist folk around here squirming in their recliners as the polls rolled in. Even though I don't get a guy who is supposed to be such a hero for his race even though he is rabidly pro-choice, and that abortion now kills 50% of unborn African American children. What has really saddened and surprised me is that so very few people seemed to care or even know just how pro-choice this guy is. And I know that the majority of people out there, even the majority of Catholics, are pro-choice to some degree or another. I'm not talking a little pro-choice, if there can be any such thing, I'm talking about infanticide pro-choice. I'm talking scary, scary ethics and screwed up logic. And this was just a non-issue for practically everyone. During the exit polls last night, abortion was not an issue that was even ON THE LIST.

Why? Well, everyone's big concern is the economy, right? Money. Mammon. I'm not trying to trivialize the economy. We live so close to financial disaster in this house that I started crying when my husband told me that his brakes were going to have to be replaced before Christmas. So close that I get a little warm and giggly knowing that milk prices have gone down 30 cents a gallon. But we are talking about a man who believes that a late term baby that manages to survive an abortion procedure, that is BORN ALIVE should still die if the mother wills it so. That in one hospital, a child may lie dying from hypothermia and the effects of abortion, a thought that just makes me want to shrivel up and cry, while in that SAME HOSPITAL thousands of dollars a day might be spent to save a baby of the same gestational age, all based on whether that particular child's mother decides her baby is worth keeping alive? And this actually MAKES SENSE to people? I mean, even if you aren't pro-life, how does anyone actually make that giant leap of logic?

But we are worried about the economy, that's what matters. Apparently, that's all that matters. “Wherever your treasure lies, there will your heart be…"

Apparently our hearts are in our gas tanks. May God have mercy on us.


Erin said...


Laura The Crazy Mama said...

yep, you got it, sister!

Dirtdartwife said...

Doesn't make sense to me either. Hugs and prayers to all of us... I have hope that God will see us through this "dark night of the soul."

Lisa Boyle said...

You hit the nail right on the head! Yes, times are hard for all of us. When my car got hit (while voting, no less), I cried not just because it was hit, but because I was thinking of how we could possibly come up with the $500 deductible. But, these people who went into the voting booth thinking of only their personal financial well-being and not the millions of babies that were and going to be murdered are like Judas Iscariot. They sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver.... It's sad, but true.

mel said...

Lisa, I SO think that was done on purpose!!! What a weird happening, to be hit like that while in the polling office by someone that left no information or anything...

Kelly said...

Amen Sister.
